Our Curriculum


  • Grow in the security of Jesus' love and care
  • Celebrate God's love in worship
  • Thank God for the world He mad
  • Know that Jesus died on the cross and rose again for them because He loves them
  • Recite simple prayers
  • Praise God with music and singing
Language Arts
  • "Read" picture books
  • Listen to stories daily
  • Recognize their name in print
  • Recognize letters in their name
  • Introduce and practice writing their name
  • Grow in language development
Math & Science
  • Count to 10 using one-to-one correspondence
  • Identify numerals 1-10
  • Identify simple shapes
  • Identify 10 basic colors
  • Demonstrate the use of all 5 senses
  • Sort by color and shape
  • Identify a day of the week
  • Talk about the weather 
  • Identify different parts of their bodies
  • Learn healthy habits
Social Skills
  • Describe their feelings
  • Understand that others have feelings
  • Play cooperatively with others
  • Share with others
  • Talk about their family and friends
  • Share items from home in front of the class
  • Learn to follow directions
  • Work with play dough
  • Use paint, shaving cream, and other sensory mediums to stimulate senses
  • Make weekly crafts connecting to the letter of the wek and/or season
Large Motor Skills
  • Move as directed
  • Catch a rolling and bouncing ball
  • Recognize movement is fun
  • Introduced to musical instruments
Fine Motor Skills
  • String beads
  • Practice holding and using writing utensils
  • Put small objects together




  • Grow in the security of Jesus' love & care
  • Celebrate God's love in worship
  • Thank God for the world He has made
  • Know that Jesus gives people to love and care for them
  • Know that Jesus died on the cross and rose again for them because He loves them
  • Recite simple prayers
  • Praise God with music and singing
Language Arts
  • "Read" picture books
  • "Read" from left to right
  • Recognize and write their name
  • Identify letters in their name
  • Listen to stories and retell stories
  • Identify upper and lower case letters and sounds of the alphabet
  • Make simple words by sounding out beginning, middle, and end sounds
  • Recognize rhyming words
  • Learn and identify different parts of a book
Math & Science
  • Count to 20 using one-to-one correspondence
  • Identify numerals 1-20
  • Classify, match, and pattern objects
  • Compare and contrast using simple graphs
  • Practice sequencing pictures
  • Identify simple shapes
  • Identify basic colors
  • Demonstrate the use of all 5 senses
  • Identify the day of the week and month we are in
  • Learn the four seasons of the year
  • Talk about weather and seasonal changes
  • Discuss the life cycle of some plants and animals
  • Practice positional concepts
  • Identify different parts of their bodies
  • Learn healthy habits
Social Skills
  • Describe their feelings
  • Understand that others have feelings
  • Play cooperatively with others
  • Share and take turns with others
  • Talk about their family and friends
  • Share items from home in front of the class
  • Learn to follow directions
  • Practice problem solving skills
  • Follow instructions and work independently
  • Use their imaginations to create drawings and paintings
  • Work with play dough, shaving cream, and other sensory mediums to stimulate senses
  • Make weekly crafts connected to the letter of the week and/or season
Large Motor Skills
  • Move as directed
  • Throw and catch a ball
  • Recognize that movement is fun
  • Explore play with a parachute
Fine Motor Skills
  • Practice holding and using writing utensils correctly
  • Use scissors appropriately
  • Manipulate small objects
