Precious Playmates Daycare Ministry

A Note from the Director, 

Welcome to Precious Playmates Daycare Ministry. Since 1995 we have provided Christ-centered care to the families of Martinsville. I have been the director since July of 2020. I graduated from Concordia University Wisconsin with a degree in Lutheran Education. Together with an incredible staff- I work to ensure that your children have a safe, healthy, and engaging home away from home. Our firm belief is that all children are true blessings from God- that you cannot care for a child without education, and no education can happen unless a child is genuinely cared for. As a mother of three young children, I am passionate about serving all children in our community; so I serve on both the Morgan County Early Learning Coalition and the Better Communities Coalition. We welcome you to the Precious Playmates Daycare family- and we pray for you daily. –Ms.  Bethany Asher

A Note from our Pastor, 

In grateful response to God's grace and empowered by the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament, the mission of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod is to vigorously make known the love of Christ by word and deed within our church, community, and world. We know your child will hear about God’s love and grace daily at Precious Playmates Daycare Ministry. As part of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, we pray for your family continually. I personally invite you to join us in worship, or to reach out if your family needs any pastoral care. We welcome you the Prince of Peace Family of ministries and pray that we serve your family faithfully for many years.  – Rev. Nathan Janssen

Play-Based Curriculum

Precious Playmates Daycare Ministry is designed to serve families by providing a safe, and happy place for children to learn and play. Prince of Peace Lutheran Church is a member of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod. As a church body we have a long history of offering educational and daycare programs. There are over 2,000 Lutheran schools in the United States. Nearly half of all Lutheran Schools are early childhood programs. This networking together with other daycares allows Precious Playmates Daycare Ministry to offer your family the highest quality childcare available.  

Precious Playmates Daycare Ministry offers a structure of spiritual, emotional, physical, and developmental growth for all children in our care. We also partner with Prince of Peace Lutheran School for academic growth for our children. 

Our philosophy is to support all areas of child development in a safe and nurturing environment. Our goal is to give children a sense of self-worth by helping them develop at their own pace and to learn basic skills. We want the children to feel confident and secure enough to explore and grow in a stimulating educational and social environment. We are committed to promoting and supporting all aspects of each child’s growth in an atmosphere of respect. Your child is an individual who is an integral member of a group, and whose uniqueness is acknowledged and appreciated by that group. While we are not an educational program- our childcare facility uses curriculum developed by the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, Indiana District as well as the Indiana Early Learning Standards for young children 0-5 to guide their learning experiences and help prepare them for Kindergarten.  Our biggest priority is to support children to understand, identify, and learn to react to their social emotional development, and to know that God loves them. These skills are lifelong skills and are critical at Kindergarten as well as adulthood. We will help build faith, confidence, self-identity, value, empathy, and appropriate social skills to help prepare them for life.  


Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.    Proverbs 22:6


Our incredible staff is made up of caring individuals who have a great love for and patience with children. Each of our staff has annual training in Universal Precautions, First Aid, and CPR. Criminal history background checks, TB tests, and drug screens are also conducted on each employee.  Our staff participate in professional development annually to ensure best teaching practices and professional growth. Each employee has also been trained in how to handle emergency situations such as fires, tornados, and evacuating the building if the need arises.  All staff members can (and do) work in every classroom, with every child. With a focus on family-first employment; we are proud to have a very low turnover rate among our teaching staff. The State of Indiana constitutes that as a citizen and a caregiver in Indiana, we are mandatory reporters and are responsible to report to Child Protective Services for suspected child abuse and neglect. As an advocate of children, we will report any suspicious markings, remarks made by a child, odd behavior etc., that may be related to child abuse or neglect. 

Interested in joining our Staff?  Apply Here: 
